Professor visitante ministrará palestra na próxima Quarta-feira (11/07)

05/07/2013 17h35 - Atualizado em 14/04/2022 às 11h41

Estão todos convidados para a palestra do professor Haim Levkowitz (Associate Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Human-Information Interaction Research Group at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, in Lowell, MA, USA). 

Local: mini-auditório do IC 

Data e horário: 11/7 às 15:00

Title: Mobile + Cloud: the future of computing and its impact on human-information interaction. 

Abstract: Computing is going through a very significant paradigm shift. A large part of computing is being shifted from personal computers to cloud-based storage and compute power, combined with user access and interaction via multiple devices, a growing percentage of which are mobile. This has had a major impact on how people of all stripes (including those who "do not use computers") interact with computing. At the same time, ever increasing amounts of data are being generated by all sources -- including those many users and their sensor-laden mobile devices. These "big data" are changing the way organizations and individuals interact with each other. The net effect is what we call the "democratization of information." We start with a brief survey of the progression of computing. We then describe the mobile + cloud computing model and its impact on human-information interaction. Finally, we discuss some of our work in this area. 

Bio: Haim Levkowitz is a Visiting Professor at ICMC – Instituto de Ciencias Matematicas e de Computacao – at the University of Sao Paulo, Sao Carlos – SP, Brasil (August 2012 to August 2013). He was a US Fulbright Scholar to Brazil twice (August-December 2012 and August 2004-January 2005). He is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Human-Information Interaction Research Group at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, in Lowell, MA, USA. He was a Co-Founder of UMass Lowell’s Institute for Visualization and Perception Research (IVPR) and its Co-Director (1991-2012). He is a world-renowned authority on visualization, perception, color, and their application in data mining and information retrieval. He is the author of “Color Theory and Modeling for Computer Graphics, Visualization, and Multimedia Applications” (Springer 1997) and co-editor of “Perceptual Issues in Visualization” (Springer 1995), as well as many papers in these subjects. He has more than 41 years experience in teaching and lecturing, and has taught many tutorials and short courses, in addition to regular academic courses. In addition to his academic career, Prof. Levkowitz has been a life-long entrepreneur, starting his first business at the age of 21, his second at 23, and his third one at 25. Professor Levkowitz was a co-founder of Anvil, Inc., which was founded through the UMass Commercial Ventures and Intellectual Property program in 2000. In addition, over his 41-year career in computer science and technology, he has been involved with numerous high-tech startups as Founder/Co-Founder, Chief Technology Officer, Strategic and Technical Adviser, and as a Venture Investor.